Many people are unaware of the impact of scars in movement. Scars form distortions in the fascia. Fascia is around all organs and forms a part of the muscular chain system (myofascia). So, it is not a big jump to imagine that a distortion in the myofascia will potentially have an adverse effect on movement.

Non optimal movement patterns result in muscle compensation patterns and imbalances which can ultimately lead to further pain and problems further away from the initial scar.

Scars can be from Surgery, falls and trauma and less commonly considered, the common piercing or tattoo!

During this workshop we’ll go into more depth about how scars effect movement. You will learn how to assess the effect of scars on movement and how to effectively address scars and reprogram optimal movement using balls and exercise strategy.

Friday 6th May - 16:00 CET

Join me LIVE (Recording available)

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MCSP SRP, Physiotherapist, specialist in clinical application of Pilates Zoe Queally

Zoe Queally is a UK trained Chartered Physiotherapist and has been fine tuning her clinical experience since 1996. She is a clinical specialist for spinal problems, sports injuries and repetitive strain injuries.