Myofascia in Movement
Understand and optimise movement through myofascial
chains and biomechanics.
Each module analyses one of the muscle chains in depth and includes ways of assessing your clients so you can understand where their movement dysfunctions come from and why.
During each module, critical thinking and movement intervention strategies are showcased to help you help your clients more effectively.
The course has been split into four main sections so that you can study at your own pace.
You will have access to seminar recordings, notes in PDF and practical movement classes that bring the theory to life so you can feel the changes immediately in your own body.
All movement professionals and body workers who would like to increase their knowledge of myofascial chains, biomechanics and optimal movement, including:
Pilates Teachers
Yoga Instructors
Personal Trainers
Includes the following course units:
Back Line Booster - The place to start
The Core of Movement - Strength at the center
Lateral Lazies - Balance down the outside
Spirals Seminar - Identifying the twist
Where Do I Start?