This course will help you brush up on your surface anatomy and palpation. We'll use the miofascial lines to guide this process and at the same time revise the main biomechanical functions and movements that each line produces and controls.

Common dysfunctional patterns for each line will be discussed alongside corrective release and activation suggestions that you can use with your clients.

This will be a mainly practical workshop so you will need to have your mat, release balls, foam roller, resistance band and a weight (dumbell or kettle bell) handy. 

You will feel the effects of these release techniques in your body as you listen and revise the theory of the muscle chains.

As always, it is essential to also know how to activate the patterns. A variety of techniques will be shown including static contractions and pattern reprogramming using simple moves (and a few more complicated ones with clients that like a challenge in mind!)

Pilates will feature as part of the reprogramming section of this 4 hour workshop.

Assessment in this workshop will be using "self check-ins" using movement tests.

Friday 25th November - 15:00 - 19.00 CET

Join me LIVE (Recording available)

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MCSP SRP, Physiotherapist, specialist in clinical application of Pilates Zoe Queally

Zoe Queally is a UK trained Chartered Physiotherapist and has been fine tuning her clinical experience since 1996. She is a clinical specialist for spinal problems, sports injuries and repetitive strain injuries.